måndag 14 november 2011

i can't deal with this. i'm not strong enough and i'm tired of pretending that i am.

i remember the nights we spent under city lights
this feelings got the best of me
we were floating along to the sounds of a dead end town but now that's just a memory
i can't figure you out, you've got more fight in you than anybody else
and here's the part where i start to make my own damn decisions, and make a name for my self
i'll never be what you want, i wouldn't change any part of me just to make you stay
you had a piece of my heart but not enough to just run away, 'cause I know what's best for me

1 kommentar:

  1. som sagt, du behöver någon som behandlar dig som du förtjärnar !
    Någon som är normal och inte se ut som tre ;D ahha
    PUSSSS <3 älskar dig.
